OUR System®

Since 1985, NPA has delivered time-proven strategies for reducing workers’ comp costs by 20%. We revolutionized the Return-to-Work process with the OUR System® (Optimal Utilization of Resources) and our customer-centric approach is guaranteed to save you time and money. This system can be utilized for occupational and non-occupational injuries.

Our customized, cost-saving system streamlines communication between physicians, employers and workers’ compensation personnel creating fast accommodation for injured workers. The OUR System® is developed through a series of on-site interviews, with the objectives of:

Data collection

Development of
Bridge Assignments

Acting as a buy-in
mechanism for your staff

NPA will design, develop and implement a customizable plan, best fit to meet the specific needs of your organization. We work for you.

OUR System® Benefits

Reduction of Indemnity

The OUR System® has the most direct impact on paid indemnity costs. By being prepared and equipped with Bridge Assignments (temporary transitional work assignments) in advance, injured workers can return to useful and productive work almost instantly. This dramatically reduces the number of days the employer must pay indemnity benefits.

Impact on Medical Cost

Research indicates that workers who are quickly brought back to work in productive and appropriate assignments, with doctor approval, will not aggravate their injuries. In fact, they often recover more quickly and reduce the need for medical treatment. Some studies show as much as a 50% faster recovery time.

Control of Reserves

The OUR System® affects reserves in two ways. First, existing open claims are re-evaluated and worked into the newly implemented OUR System®. The result is early closure of some claims and improved settlement standing on other claims. The second area of impact is on the setting of future reserves. After a period of successful claims management, where lost work days and claim costs are reduced, reserves are set at reduced levels from the beginning of the claim to more accurately reflect the shorter life of the claim under the OUR System®.

Reduction of Claims

Typically, in the first year, most clients using the OUR System® see a significant reduction in claims filed. Why does this occur? The OUR System® is not a safety system. However, one reasonable explanation is the Hawthorne effect: with employers paying closer attention to injuries and managing them effectively, awareness is raised and attention to safety is increased. Another reason for the decline is that there are fewer attempts to use industrial injuries for secondary gain. The ultimate result is a reduction in injures, and therefore a reduction in costs.

Supports ADA and FEHA Compliance

By documenting the Return-To-Work process and tasks, we aid compliance with the interactive process. Recording the physical task performed by the worker provides a foundation to begin the permanent modification process, if necessary.

OUR System® Guarantee

We guarantee your workers’ compensation savings will be greater than the fee paid (per your custom proposal) by the end of one year of full and conscientious use of the OUR System or we will refund the difference.

OUR System® Return-to-Work (RTW) Services

Using the OUR System’s® Placement Administration Team (PAT), NPA’s Return-To-Work Specialists will assist with your daily Return-to-Work (RTW) efforts.

On each claim opened for Return-To-Work Services, we contact designated personnel to gather information such as: the nature of the injury, department supervisor and physician contact information, appointment dates, etc.

We work with your selected personnel to choose appropriate Bridge Assignments. These are either presented to the supervisor or physician for approval, or used to match physician provided restriction.

We monitor the injured worker’s Return-To-Work progress by maintaining contact with the physician and supervisor.

We maintain contact with the physician until a decision regarding Return-To-Work is made and we closely monitor the injured worker’s Return-To-Work progress.

We record all Return-To-Work activities and track the days in modified duty via our RTW Pro software.

We continue this process until the worker is deemed permanent and stationary/maximum medical improvement or is unable to return to their usual and customary job.

We provide monthly status reports to management, supervisors, and TPAs for all active Return-To-Work claims.

We provide quarterly and annual Return-To-Work analysis, including TTD savings, NPA fees, and other pertinent data.

OUR System® Self Administered Option

Using the OUR System’s® Placement Administration Team (PAT), NPA’s Return-To-Work Specialists will assist with your daily Return-to-Work (RTW) efforts.

OUR System® Implementation

Working with your selected personnel, we begin by reviewing your current Return-To-Work efforts while analyzing the relevant tasks being performed within your organization.

Based on these findings, the tasks are consolidated into Bridge Assignments and are organized by body part to accommodate the type and number of injuries predicted. Bridge Assignments are then plotted on a Matrix according to the level of physical demand on each of the five body part groupings. Tasks that are not currently being performed—but are considered valuable by your organization—are similarly analyzed and included in the system.

All personnel responsible for administration of the OUR System® are trained onsite by NPA’s Return-To-Work Specialists. Once finalized, your Bridge Assignments will be provided to you at the end of the implementation process.

With the OUR System®, your organization will control costs and return workers to meaningful, productive work in a timely manner. If you are already utilizing an Return-To-Work program, the OUR System® will formalize and enhance the process with a consistency of application. Our goal is to create a customized and effective tool for you to easily manage Return-To-Work.

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